
Andres Leon
About me
I’m a product designer, writer and startup founder. I live in Mexico City, Mexico.
I discovered startups when I was 13. They were more engaging than school. Traditional education didn’t satisfy my intellectual or social curiosities, so I’d skip class to focus on mastering design in Figma and building products. That was the start of four intense years building Warp—a digital bank for the underbanked in Mexico—where I cut my teeth as a first time founder and learned how to not make a product succeed.
After Warp, I spent two years at RemNote, where I helped create the go-to note-taking app for students. Currently, I’m part of the team at Toppings, working on innovative business models for the food delivery industry. I love working at early stage startups for their potential for growth and impact.
Aditionally to my work in tech, I write about social sciences, literature and life in my newsletter: Macondo. That's a place where you can explore the vast range of my intellectual interests. I also created The Ethnographic Guide To Mexico, a project where I review and track cool—not touristy—places in Mexico.
You can check what I'm up to these days on my now page, or feel free to reach out if you want to chat. I reply to all emails.